Solving linear equations parameterized by Hamming weight.
With V. Arvind, Johannes Köbler, Jacobo Torán.
Algorithmica 75:2 (Jun. 2016), pp. 322–338.

Abstract. Given a system of linear equations Ax=b over the binary field and an integer t≥1, we study the following three algorithmic problems:
1. Does Ax=b have a solution of weight at most t?
2. Does Ax=b have a solution of weight exactly t?
3. Does Ax=b have a solution of weight at least t?
We investigate the parameterized complexity of these problems with t as parameter. A special aspect of our study is to show how the maximum multiplicity k of variable occurrences in Ax=b influences the complexity of the problem. We show a sharp dichotomy: for each k≥3 the first two problems are W[1]-hard (which strengthens and simplifies a result of Downey et al. [SIAM J Comput 29(2), 545–570, 1999]). For k=2, the problems turn out to be intimately connected to well-studied matching problems and can be efficiently solved using matching algorithms.

Conference version:
Solving linear equations parameterized by Hamming weight
With V. Arvind, Johannes Köbler, Jacobo Torán.
Parameterized and Exact Computation (Proceedings of 9th IPEC). Springer, 2014. Pp. 39-50.